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Monday, May 10, 2021

Bageriet Bakery - Hackensack, NJ

 Bageriet Bakery

335 Essex Street

Hackensack, NJ  07601



Monday - Friday        6:30 am - 7:00 pm

Saturday - Sunday    8:00 am - 7:00 pm

BAGERIET - /baa-gar-ree-et/ in Swedish: “The Bakery”

Danishes with blueberries and raspberry + apple turnover

Friday, May 7 somewhere around 4:30 pm.  I noticed this bakery and decided to stop in and buy  just1 thing.  Mistake.  I should have known going in.  I ordered 3 danishes without even thinking.

Lets start with the apple turnover which I ate first with the intention of eating the danishes over the next two days.  After the first bite, I knew I was in trouble.  Just enough apple filling and the crust was like a pie crust, not puff pastry, wonderful.   

So I got myself in trouble by waiting almost 10 minutes and went after that cute golden brown blueberry danish.  Don't judge me.  Eating that light and flaky multilayer sweet pasty with fresh blueberries sitting on top of the cream cheese, tender, and delicately sweet, all I can tell you is that I then grabbed the raspberry danish and I had a lovely time.    

Was it worth the extra calories, yes, I just walked a little longer the next day.  

Just little FYI:  This is a Swedish bakery cafe with a touch of France.  

#bageriet   #bagerietbakery  #bakery  #hackensack   #newjersey   #bakeries   #good  #like #bakersinnewjersey   #breakfast   #lunch   #tasty   #friendly   #giftbaskets   #catering   #eat  #food   #yum   #bagels   #cakes   #pasteries   #glutenfree   #vegan   #greatcustomerservice



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